Car alarm and security

Once a car alarm or a large lockable “lever” on the steering wheel was enough to protect and secure the car against theft. Today, however, with the increasing electronics in the car and software, it is very easy to bypass any car security. Thieves of modern and expensive cars are usually well equipped for standard security from manufacturers, especially in the case of a keyless start. And so it happens that expensive cars are stolen by amateurs.

If the thieves are real pros, common alarms or even competing products can be bypassed. The basic rule for securing a vehicle against theft is to put pressure on thieves and complicate and prolong the theft of the car as much as possible. The long duration of car theft increases the chance of detecting a thief who can give it up after a long time.

Pandora car alarms with uncompromising car security

Pandora offers a comprehensive anti-theft security package that, among other things, offers SMART functions and connectivity to ensure driver comfort. Pandora is thus a security vehicle and a SMART vehicle in one. Pandora car alarms offer car security and at the same time comfort in the form of remote start, independent heating control, remote unlocking, vehicle status information, alarm indication directly on the key and other gadgets. Car thieves are blocked right from the consideration of car theft:

  1. Communication between the car and the key takes place at a higher non-standard frequency and the system is resistant to jammers and DO readers
  2. 128-bit encryption of the signal from the car key and vice versa
  3. Blocking the opening of the car and starting in the absence of Pandora’s immobilizer – in the event of the original key being stolen, the thief with the car will not leave
  4. Safe parking of the vehicle in case of loss of signal from Pandora immobilizer
  5. Possibility of monitoring and securing the car remotely via a mobile application or telephone service, for example in case of theft of a Pandora key

In addition to complete reliable car security, Pandora also offers the SMART functions of your car either directly via the mobile application or via the Pandora key with immobilizer itself. Compared to the most advanced car key – the BMW Smart Key, which comes exclusively with the BMW 7 Series, Pandora has the upper hand in security and signal coding between the car and the key. Like the Pandora, the BMW Smart Key can start the vehicle remotely, obtain vehicle status information, and switch on remote heating. If you want to have a modern and especially professionally secured car, over Pandora not a second. Even that second can be enough time for car thieves.

View Pandora product specifications and treat yourself to a car alarm with uncompromising security at a great price.

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