GSM alarm

Ever since the car alarm meant just an annoying siren screaming when you don’t need it, vehicle security has shifted significantly. Remote controls with a range of only a few meters, jammers and code readers, all of which will help you forget about the Pandora GSM alarm. GSM technology uses the signal of mobile operators to transmit data over an unlimited distance, thanks to which you can start your car with Pandora literally from the other side of the planet. However, unlike regular GSM car alarms, Pandora does not deprive you of money with high data transfer fees and at the same time offers you a number of additional functions.

In addition to the standard benefits of the GSM alarm, Pandora offers the possibility of GSM notifications sent in the event of a vehicle breakdown, GSM telemetry and driving history with a perfect overview of the vehicle’s movement, as well as all the benefits of the integrated GPS module. With the Pandora GSM alarm, you have a constant overview of the condition of your vehicle and at the same time you enjoy comfortable functions that even the most expensive cars do not offer.

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