Motorcycle alarm

If you are a lover of one track in Slovakia, you will surely know one big problem from your own experience… Where to park your 2-wheeled dad safely between cars? After all, it is not easy, it does not fit into locked spaces for bicycles and leaving a motorcycle just in a normal parking lot is too great a risk. Despite their high price, motorcycles are often not secured at all, and due to their relatively low weight, stealing them with a big car is a complete raspberry. That is why the alarm is more important for the motorcycle than in the case of a four-wheeled vehicle.

Alarms on the Pandora motorcycle have advanced technologies that monitor not only the current position, but also the battery status, GSM signal strength, or the tilt of the motorcycle itself. Thanks to this, your motorcycle with Pandora alarm is perfectly secured against unauthorized use or theft, no matter where it is located. With two-way control or the Pandora application, you also have a complete overview of the current state of your motorcycle in real time, with alerts for even the smallest impulse.

View Pandora alarms on the motorcycle and treat yourself to uncompromising security with advanced features at a great price.

It is this weak point of factory security that is solved by advanced Pandora systems, which always offer you a unique installation and the most modern security technologies. An advanced contactless immobilizer communicating in a secure Bluetooth interface is part of every Pandora model and plays an irreplaceable role in the multi-element protection network of our systems.

The perfectly comfortable solution with a contactless authorization tag allows it to be placed outside the keys themselves, for example in a wallet, thus reducing the perpetrators’ chances to a minimum, even in the event of the original key being stolen. The Pandora system unblocks the start of the vehicle only when reading a code protected by AES 128 encryption, which is currently practically unbeatable. In addition, the unique immobilizer in Pandora systems is fully adjustable using a clear mobile application.

View Pandora product specifications and enjoy a comfortable and safe unmanned system with an advanced immobilizer at an excellent price.

Pandora motorcycle alarms

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